Angular ngFor Directive

Angular ngFor directive iterates over a collection of data like an array, list, etc, and creates an HTML element for each of the items from an HTML template. It helps us to build lists or tables to display tabular data in a nice way. In this tutorial, we will look at the syntax and how to use ngFor to display a list of movies using example code. The ngFor also exports several local variables like Index, First, Last, odd, even & trackby.etc. In this article, we will learn the following

  1. Use ngFor in a List Box
  2. Learn to use it in a Table
  3. Use it to display a nested array.
  4. How to assign of exported values to the local variable
  5. Format the odd & even rows of a table by assigning different classes to them.
  6. Find the index of each element in the collection
  7. Learn to use trackBy clause, which enhances the performance

Syntax of ngFor

The syntax for the ngFor is as shown below

is the element on which we apply ngFor directive. it repeats the <html-element> .. </html-element> for each item of the collection.

*ngFor :
The syntax starts with *ngFor. The * here tells us that ngFor is an Angular structural directive.

let <item> of <items>;
item is the Template input variable. It represents the currently iterated item from the <items><items> is a collection, which we need to show to the user. It is usually a property on your component class and can be anything that you can iterate over. (Usually an array)

The scope of the item is within the <html-element>..</html-element>. You can access it anywhere within that, but not outside of it.

ngFor Example

Now let us see how to use ngFor using an example.

Create a new angular Application. If you are new to angular, then you should read Angular create a new project. We are using bootstrap 4 to style our application. Hence you can add the following line to index.html

Open the app.component.ts and add the following code. The code contains a list of Top 10 movies. Let us build a template to display the movies using ngFor.

Source code

Using ngFor

To use ngFor,

  1. Create a block of HTML elements, which can display a single movie.
  2. Use the ngFor to repeat the block for each movie in the movies.

Open the app.component.html and add the following code.

Source code

We use the ul to display the movies. The li element displays a single movie. We need to repeat the li for each movie. Hence we apply the ngFor on the li element.

let movie of movies will iterate over the movies collection, which is a property on the component class. movie is the Template input variable, which represents the currently iterated movie from the collection. We use Angular Interpolation to display the movie title & name of the director

Here is the output

The Angular generates the following code. You can see li element for every movie.

Similarly, you can use the table element to display the movies as shown below. Here we need to repeat the tr element for each movie. Hence apply the directive on tr

Source Code

Here is the output

ngFor Example Top 5 Movies in Table format

Nested Array

The following example shows how to use the ngFor in a nested array. The employees array has nested skills array.

Source code

Inside the main loop, use the local variable employee to get the list of skills and loop through it using *ngFor="let skill of employee.skills;"

Source code

Local Variables

ngFor exposes several values, which help us to fine-tune display. We assign these values to the local variable and use it in our template

The list of exported values provided by ngFor directive

  • index: number: The zero-based index of the current element in the collection.
  • count: number: The total no of items in the collection
  • first: boolean: True when the item is the first item in the collection.
  • last: boolean: Is set to True, when the item is the last item in the collection.
  • even: boolean: True when the item has an even index in the collection.
  • odd: boolean: is set to True when the item has an odd index in the collection.

Finding the Index

To Find the index, we create another local variable i and use the let to make it equal to index.

The following code shows the list of movies along with the index.

Source Code

Formatting odd & even rows

We can use the odd & even values to format the odd & even rows alternatively. To do that create two local variables o & e. Assign the values of odd & even values to these variables using the let statement. Then use the ngClass to change the class name to either odd or even. The example code is shown below

Source Code

Add the appropriate background color to the odd and even classes as shown below in app.component.css

Source Code

First and the Last element of a list

Similarly, you can use the first & last values to style the first & last element. The code below will add CSS classes first & last to the first and last movie using the ngClass.

Source Code

Remember to add the CSS classes to app.component.css

Source Code

Track By

The angular includes Track By clause, just like AngularJS did. Track By clause allows you to specify your own key to identify objects.

Angular uses the object identity to compare the elements in the collection to the DOM nodes. Hence when you add an item or remove an item, the Angular will track it and update only the modified items in the DOM. It does not render the entire list.

But this fails if we update the list from the backend server. That is because the retrieved objects cannot be compared with the existing objects in the list as the reference has changed. The Angular simply removes these elements from DOM and recreates the new elements from the new data. This has a huge performance implication.

Angular trackBy clause eliminates this problem, by telling angular how to identify similar elements. The Angular will use the value returned by the trackBy function to match the elements returned by the database and update the DOM Elements without recreating them.

We should always specify the primary key or unique key as the trackBy clause.


In our movie list example, let us make the title of the movie as the identifier.

Source Code

In the Component Class create a trackByFn. It gets the index and the current item as its argument. It should return the unique id

Source Code


  1. ngFor API Reference

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