Custom Validator in Template Driven Forms in Angular

Learn how to build custom validator in template-driven forms. In Angular, we have two API to build Angular Forms. They are Reactive Forms and template-driven forms. In Template-driven forms, we define validation rule as an HTML attribute in the HTML markup. The Angular provides a few built-in Validation attributes out of the box. In this tutorial, we will talk about how to build a custom validation attribute using Angular Directive. We also show you how to pass a parameter & how to inject service into the validation attribute.

Custom Validator in Template Driven Forms

Create a new Angular Project. Copy the following code toapp.component.ts

Copy the following code app.component.html

It has only one input field numVal. Let us create a validator to ensure that the value of the numVal is greater than 10.

Built-in Validators

The Angular Forms Module already has a few built-in validators. They are listed below. But we do not have a greater than validator.

  1. Required validator
  2. Min length Validator
  3. Max length Validator
  4. Pattern Validator
  5. Email Validator

How to Build Custom Validator in template-driven form

Building a Validator in template-driven forms is similar to building an Angular directive. The directive must implement the Validator interface.

Validator Interface

The directive must implement the validate function. Notice that the validate function has the same signature as the ValidatorFn Interface. Whenever the Validator directive is invoked angular looks for the validate method and invokes it.

Validate Function

A Validator is just a function, which must implement ValidatorFn Interface.

The function takes the AbstractControl. This is the base class for FormControlFormGroup, and FormArray. The validator function must return a list of errors i.e ValidationErrors or null if the validation has passed

Custom Validator Example

Create the gte.validator.ts and copy the following code.

We decorate the directive using @Directive decorator.

We use the directive as an attribute in the HTML template. The attribute needs a name or selector. We assign the name as gteValidator in the selector metadata section of the directive decorator.

The Angular knows nothing about the Validation capabilities of our directive. Hence we need to register it in Angular Providers metadata using the special injection token NG_VALIDATORS. We also set multi:true because there can be more validation directives.

The directive class must implement the validate method. The validate method must honor the ValidatorFn Interface.

It is a simple function, which checks if the value is a number and is less than 10. It returns null if it passes all checks.

If Validation fails it returns the ValidationErrors. It is a key-value pair object of type [key: string]: any and it defines the broken rule. The key is the string and should contain the name of the broken rule. The value can be anything, but usually set to true.

We return the following key-value pair when the validation fails

The 'gte': true: indicates that the validation has failed. 'requiredValue': 10 is used by the template to display that the expected value is greater than 10.

Using the Custom Validator

Since this is a template-driven form., we do not have to do anything in the component class. In the HTML template just add the attribute gteValidator as shown below

Validators return ValidationErrors. They are added to the control’s errors collection of the control. The valid property of the control is set to false.

Hence we check if the valid property. We also check the dirty and touched property. Because we do not want to display the error message when the form is displayed for the first time.

We check if the gte is true and display the error message. Note that gte is the name of the key we used while creating the validator.

We also make use of requiredValue to show a meaningful message to the user.

Passing Parameter to Validator

We have hardcoded the value of 10 in the above example. This will make our validator difficult to reuse. If we want to resue it, we need to pass the number to be checked as the parameter.

Since they are directives, we can use Input decorator to pass the parameter to the Validator.

Open the template add the special attribute gteNum="20"

You can read the gteNum from the template using the Input decorator as shown below

Now, you can remove the hardcoded value 10 and use the gteNum instead.

The complete validator code is as shown below.

Injecting Service into Validator

The validator may depend on some external service to validate the value. For Example, it may need to fetch data from the back end server.

Let us move the validation logic in the above validator to a separate service. Create a service gte.service.ts and copy the following code

In the validation directive, create a constructor method and inject the service. The complete code is as shown below


We learned how to create a custom validator in template-driven forms. We also talked about how to pass parameter and inject service into our directive.

3 thoughts on “Custom Validator in Template Driven Forms in Angular”

  1. or in validation directive :
    if (!this.gteService.gte(v,this.gteNum)) {
    return { ‘gte’: true, ‘requiredValue’: this.gteNum }

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