Angular Guards Tutorial

Angular Route Guards help us prevent the user from accessing certain parts of the applications under specific conditions. We can also use it to perform some actions before navigating to a route or leaving the route. The use cases for route guards are authorization, authentication, data collection, etc. The Angular supports several guards like CanActivate, CanDeactivate, Resolve, CanLoad, CanActivateChild, etc. This article will explore Angular Guards in detail by building an example Angular Guards application.

Angular Route Guards

We use the Angular Guards to control whether users can navigate to or away from the current route.

We looked at how to configure our routes and navigate to the different parts of our application in our Angular Router Tutorial. Allowing the user to navigate all application parts is not a good idea. We must restrict the user until the user performs specific actions like logging in etc. Angular provides the Route Guards for this purpose.

One of the common scenarios where we use Route guards is authentication. We want our app to stop the unauthorized user from accessing the protected route. We achieve this by using the CanActivate guard, which angular invokes when the user tries to navigate into the protected route. Then we hook into the CanActivate guard and use the authentication service to check whether the user is authorized to use the route or not. If he is not authenticated, then we can redirect the user to the login page.

Uses of  Angular Route Guards

  • To Confirm the navigational operation
  • Asking whether to save before moving away from a view
  • Allow access to certain parts of the application to specific users.
  • Validating the route parameters before navigating to the route
  • Fetching some data before you display the component.

Types of Route Guards

The Angular Router supports six different guards, which you can use to protect the route.

  1. CanActivate
  2. CanDeactivate
  3. Resolve
  4. CanLoad
  5. CanActivateChild
  6. CanMatch


The Angular CanActivate guard decides if a route can be activated ( or the component gets rendered). We use this guard when we want to check on some condition, before activating the component or showing it to the user. This allows us to cancel the navigation.

Use cases

  • Checking if a user has logged in
  • Checking if a user has permission

One of the use cases of this guard is to check if the user has logged in to the system. If the user has not logged in, then the guard can redirect him to the login page.

Read: Angular CanActivate Guard Example


This Angular Guard decides if the user can leave the component (navigate away from the current route). This route is useful when the user might have some pending changes, which is not yet saved. The CanDeactivate route allows us to ask for user confirmation before leaving the component.  You might ask the user if it’s OK to discard pending changes rather than save them.

Read: Angular CanDeactivate Guard Example


This guard delays the activation of the route until some tasks are complete. You can use the guard to pre-fetch the data from the backend API before activating the route.


The CanLoad Guard prevents the loading of the Lazy Loaded Module. We generally use this guard when we do not want to unauthorized users to be able even to see the source code of the module.

This guard works similarly to CanActivate guard with one difference. The CanActivate guard prevents a particular route from being accessed. The CanLoad prevents the entire lazy-loaded module from being downloaded, protecting all the routes within that module.

Read: Angular CanLoad Guard Example


CanActivateChild guard determines whether a child route can be activated. This guard is very similar to CanActivateGuard. We apply this guard to the parent route. The Angular invokes this guard whenever the user tries to navigate to any of its child routes. This allows us to check some conditions and decide whether to proceed with the navigation or cancel it.

Read: Angular CanActivateChild Guard Example

How to Build Angular Route Guards

Building the Guards is very easy.

  1. Build the Guard as Service.
  2. Implement the Guard Method in the Service
  3. Register the Guard Service in the Root Module
  4. Update the Routes to use the guards

1. Build the Guard as a Service

Building the Guard Service is as simple as building any other Angular Service. You need to import the corresponding guard from the Angular Router Library using the Import statement. For Example use CanActivate Guard import the CanActivate in the import  the CanActivate in the import statement

Next, create the Guard class, which implements the selected guard Interface as shown below.

You can also inject other services into the Guards using the Dependency Injection

2. Implement the Guard Method

The next step is to create the Guard Method. The name of the Guard method is the same as the Guard it implements. For Example, to implement the CanActivate guard, create a method CanActivate

The return value from the Guard

The guard method must return either a True or a False value.

If it returns true, the navigation process continues. if it returns false, the navigation process stops, and the user stays put.

The above method returns a True value. The Guard can also return an Observable or a Promise, which eventually returns a True or false. The Angular will keep the user waiting until the guard returns true or false.

The guard can also tell the router to navigate elsewhere, effectively canceling the current navigation.

3. Register the Guard as Service in Module

As mentioned earlier, guards are nothing but services. We need to register them with the providers array of the Angular Module as shown below.

The Angular router requires the Guards and all other services the guard depends on to be available during the navigation. Hence, the guards must be provided at the module level. This allows the router to access the guards using the Dependency Injection.

4. Update the Routes

Finally, we need to add the guards to the routes array, as shown below

The above code adds the canActivate guard (ProductGuardService) to the  Product route.

When the user navigates to the Product route, Angular calls the canActivate method from the ProductGuardService. If the method returns true, then the ProductComponent is rendered.

You can add more than one guard, as shown below

The syntax for adding other guards is also similar

Order of execution of route guards

A route can have multiple guards, and you can have guards at every level of a routing hierarchy.

CanDeactivate() and CanActivateChild() guards are always checked first. The checking starts from the deepest child route to the top.

CanActivate() Guard is checked next, and checking starts from the top to the deepest child route.

CanLoad() Is invoked next If the feature module is to be loaded asynchronously.

Resolve() Guard is invoked last.

The Angular Router cancels the navigation If any of the guards return false.

Angular Guards Example

Let us update the App, which we built in the previous tutorials on Angular Routers, and use theCanActivate Guard to prevent the user from activating the ProductComponent

The source code for this tutorial is available on GitHub

Guard Service

We create Guard classes as a service. Create a file named product-guard.service.ts in the src/app folder and add the following code

First, we need to import the Router, CanActivate, ActivatedRouteSnapshot & RouterStateSnapshot libraries from the angular/core package

Define the ProductGuardService, which implements the CanActivate Interface

Finally, define the canActivate method

The canActivate method accepts two arguments. The first argument is an ActivatedRouteSnapshot object, which describes the route that is being navigated to using the properties. The second argument is a RouterStateSnapshot object, which describes the current route through a single property called URL.

Import the Guard in the Root Module

First, Import the Guard Service as shown below

Next, Register it using the Providers metadata so that that router can use it. Remember that Guards must be provided at the angular module level

Update the Routes

Finally, Update the app.routes class

The only change we have made is to attach the ProductGuardService to the CanActivate guard

Test the Guard. Run the app, and you will see the alert message “You are not allowed to view this page”. You are redirected to the Home Page.


The angular Guards are a great tool that helps us to protect the route. They also help us run some logic, get data from the back-end server, etc. You can also create multiple guards against a single route or use the same guard against multiple routes.

3 thoughts on “Angular Guards Tutorial”

  1. From your article I did not understand what is the difference between can Activate and CanActivateChild.
    If I’m in this part of the code
    path: ‘dashboard’,
    component: DashboardComponent,
    canActivateChild: [GuardsGuard],
    children: [
    path: ‘users’,
    component: UsersComponent

    I will replace it with canActivate

    path: ‘dashboard’,
    component: DashboardComponent,
    canActivate: [GuardsGuard],
    children: [
    path: ‘users’,
    component: UsersComponent

    Then nothing will change. I can also switch to
    and on

    That is, there is no difference between them.

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