Configure Entity Mappings Using Fluent Api
In this tutorial let us look at the how to configure the Entity mappings using Fluent API in Entity Framework Code First
In this tutorial let us look at the how to configure the Entity mappings using Fluent API in Entity Framework Code First
In this Fluent API Entity Framework Code First tutorial, we will look at how to configure the model classes using Fluent API in C#
The InverserProperty informs the EF, which navigational property it relates to on the other side of the relationship. If two entities have a single relationship between them, the EF convention correctly identities them. But it fails when there are multiple relationships between entities. In such cases, we use the InverserProperty to help the EF correctly identify the relationship.
Data Annotation Required attribute is used for generating NOT NULL columns. Entity framework Code First will create a NOT NULL column if it detects a property having Required attribute.
Apply the NotMapped attribute on those properties, which you do not want to include in your database table. This attribute usually used in the case of calculated fields like Age, Amount, etc. This attribute is available both in Entity Framework & Entity Framework Core